QR Code for Virtual Tours: Boosting Conversions and Sales

Update:  October 23, 2023
QR Code for Virtual Tours: Boosting Conversions and Sales

Distance should not hinder presence. Use a QR code for virtual tours and allow everyone to reach places they’ve never been—even if they can’t be there physically.

This QR code solution lets users visit and explore an establishment or a building virtually. It’s highly suitable and efficient for real estate agents looking to sell properties.

People don’t have to be in the actual location to have a closer look at the place; they can now check it out without going through traffic or messing with schedule conflicts.  

The best thing about this solution is its flexibility for other uses apart from real estate viewing—it’s also a good choice for entertainment, tourism, and even education.

You can create this using the best QR code generator in only seven simple steps. Keep reading below to learn how.

Virtual tour QR code: What is it, and how does it work?

A virtual tour or video QR code is an innovative tool that provides clients and customers with a tour of a specific location or establishment without being physically there.

Photos may fail to provide a comprehensive view of the property, leaving clients desiring more details.

But with a QR code for virtual tours, they’ll be able to have a closer look, especially at the property’s structure and other intricate details.

There are two solutions that you can use in sharing a virtual tour:

URL QR code

The URL QR code solution can hold a link leading to a website with a virtual tour. You may also use it for real-time virtual tours via video conferencing like Google Meet or Zoom.

You can create a URL QR code so participants can instantly join the call. This eliminates the struggle with manually inputting meeting IDs and passwords.

Sharing a dynamic URL QR code for Zoom or Google Meet that your guests can quickly scan is also much more convenient than sharing the link itself, which is a hassle as participants still need to do the copy-paste method.

Video QR code

Video tour QR codeThe video QR code is one way to share a pre-recorded tour video of the property or location. 

After scanning the code, clients can watch the video on their device; no need for additional video-viewing apps or the hassle of Bluetooth transfers.

However, you must remember to prepare a stable and complete video tour first, as you will need this to generate a QR code for video via the file QR code converter.

Another important thing to consider is the file size limit of your video, which will depend on your subscription plan.

So, after recording your property, ensure it coincides with your allowable file limit to avoid errors while generating.

How to create a virtual tour QR code using the best QR code generator?

  1. Go to QR TIGER and sign in to your account. If you don’t have one, you can sign up for the freemium version.
  2. Click on the URL or File QR code solution, depending on the material you intend to embed in your QR code.
  3. Provide the required data.
  4. Select Dynamic QR, then click the Generate QR code button.
  5. Customize your QR code to give it a unique look. You can modify the colors, eyes, and pattern. You may also add your logo and use a frame with a call to action.
  6. Test-scan your QR code to see if it works perfectly after the customization.
  7. Download your QR code. You can then print it or display it digitally.

How different industries can use a QR code for virtual tours

This QR code solution might seem fitting only for real estate listings, but there are actually lots of ways to benefit from this QR code. Check out some of the creative use cases below:

1. Real estate

Real estate listings are the primary beneficiary of this QR innovation.

These QR codes in real estate allow potential buyers to explore the listed properties without going to the actual location—saving them the money and time spent traveling.

Providing clients with a virtual tour will give them a clear view of the layout and property features, increasing the chances of conversions.

2. Museums and galleries

Museum virtual QR code

Museums and galleries are unique places rich with culture, art, and history. Many want to attend these exhibits but cannot due to time and distance constraints.

A virtual tour is the perfect solution to this problem. You can provide viewers with the museum experience from afar. It also reduces the need for physical contact, keeping artworks safe.

Launching a virtual tour QR code in museums makes art accessible to the general public. This initiative negates the concept that art is only for the rich. Anyone can appreciate and enjoy art, regardless of their social status.

3. School campus

Schools are your children’s second home, and that’s why it matters to parents how the campus looks. They must check whether it has modern buildings, state-of-the-art equipment, and strict security measures.

A virtual tour QR code can allow parents to check on these facilities even if they’re busy working and unable to visit the campus physically.

4. Tourist destinations

A virtual tour can take users to an immersive and engaging digital experience of a travel destination, be it a white sand beach or a historical landmark.

Travel companies offering tour packages to these tourist sites can use QR codes embedded with virtual tours to promote their travel bundles to people and increase their revenue.

Local tourism authorities can also create virtual tours to help travelers plan ahead of time for their itineraries so they can explore more conveniently.

5. Event venues

Event planning is already exhausting as it is. Now, imagine catering to the queries and concerns of all attendees on the day of the event. It’s manageable if you only have a few, but what if there are hundreds of them?

To avoid this problem, you can use QR codes to provide a virtual tour showing the ins and outs of the event’s venue.

This will allow attendees to familiarize themselves with the location. This way, they can navigate without needing an organizer or an usher to assist them.

6. Hotels and resorts

Promoting hotel and resort businesses is hard, considering the tight competition in this industry. One factor that pools in guests is transparency; what they see, they should get.

A virtual tour QR code can do this. Guests can scan it to get a preview of rooms, facilities, and amenities, encouraging them to choose you as their accommodation choice.

This way, you’re taking your target audiences for a digital walk through your establishment.

7. Cruise ships

Cruise ships are relatively large, with several floor levels—home to different amenities. Promoting these features in an interactive way will attract more cruise passengers.

Passengers can explore the ship ahead of time, and it’ll help them get ready and plan their schedule before boarding, too.

8. Restaurants

Restaurant virtual QR code

Restaurants can leverage the transparency of their place by promoting it through virtual tours. Customers would love to see the place before dining to ensure it fits their preferences.

For some restaurants with function halls, a virtual tour would help their guests check on the place’s capacity and ambiance without personally checking the place.

9. Clinics, hospitals, & healthcare facilities

A clean facility with complete equipment matters most to patients in choosing their healthcare provider.

Clinics and hospitals can use a virtual tour to show what their place looks like and what they can offer. Doing so will help build the client’s trust.

10. Gyms & fitness clubs

Equipment availability is a crucial factor that clients consider when choosing a gym to work out, so flex your latest equipment via a virtual tour and show people that you’ve got everything they need to achieve their health and fitness goals.

11. Office buildings and workplaces

Workplace virtual QR code

Touring newly hired employees around a big office can be time and effort-consuming. Why not use a virtual tour to lift such a heavy task from someone’s shoulders?

The virtual tour should include all the important places and parts of the office, such as the pantry, comfort rooms, meeting rooms, fire exits, and more.

You no longer have to assign someone to tour new hires each time personally.

12. Government buildings

Government offices can improve public service initiatives using QR codes for virtual tours. 

Citizens seeking government help can quickly locate specific offices where they want to address their concerns. This way, they can save time from personally roaming around looking for these.

Why use a QR code for virtual tours?

Here’s dynamic QR code can benefit you in your virtual tour needs:

Provides easy access to engaging content

A virtual tour is already interactive by itself, but for it to work, you must make it easily accessible to your target audience.

Here’s where QR codes shine. People will only have to scan the code with their smartphones to view and enjoy the virtual tour you prepared for them; no need to type in or click links.

Increases conversions and bookings

When potential clients feel more immersed in a property or place, it’s easier for them to connect emotionally. This sentiment can strongly influence them to seal the deal.

Using QR code-powered virtual tours eliminates any possible hesitations they might have while deciding to buy the property.

If they have any doubts, they can just scan the QR code to access the property’s virtual tour and check all its pros and cons. This lets them make a wiser purchasing decision.

The virtual tours also allow agents to acquire more sales and establish credibility since they can back up their claims on the property’s features.

Easy content update

Dynamic QR codes have an edit feature. This will allow agents or property owners to replace the embedded data immediately when they make improvements to the unit or place, such as an additional room.

After shooting a new virtual tour video with the added amenities or unit features, they can instantly embed it into the previous QR code—no need to generate a new one. When clients scan the code, they will see the updated video in real time.

Take a tour with just a scan using QR codes

A QR code for virtual tours closes the gap between possibility and reality. With just a scan, you can bring people to places they physically cannot be at. Distance is no longer an issue now.

This QR code technology proves you don’t have to be in a particular place to see what it offers. It transcends not only visuals but the feel and ambiance of the place, too.

Get yourself a QR code today. Go to QR TIGER, the best QR code generator, and experience the ease that comes with each scan as you bring your guests on a tour like never before.


How are QR codes used in tourism?

Aside from virtual tours, you can also use QR codes for different tourism purposes:

Feedback and surveys

The tourism industry values feedback so much that it helps them better their service in the long run, and QR code technology is just the right tool for that.

You can use a QR code for tickets to give guests a digital survey form to reduce printing costs.

Contactless registration

You can allow guests to pre-register using a QR code, especially for tourist spots with limited areas. This will ensure peace and order.

Safety information guides

Considering the number of people visiting tourist destinations, it’s important to provide them with safety information guides without a tour guide. Place a PDF QR code all around the area for easy scanning.

Emergency response hotline

Provide tourists with hotline numbers in case of sudden emergencies. You can use the vCard QR code for easy calling.

How do I create a unique QR code for tickets?

There is no better QR code software to generate a QR code from than QR TIGER. Simply log in or sign up for an account and use any of the available solutions it has. 

You can use the file, URL, or custom QR code landing page solutions. Don’t forget to maximize the customization features of this generator to create unique QR codes.

Unleash your creative side and design your code however you like with the best QR code generator.

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