The Feeling Factor: A Guide to Emotional Marketing Success

Update:  June 14, 2024
The Feeling Factor: A Guide to Emotional Marketing Success

Emotional marketing has long been integrated into big companies’ marketing strategies. It is a game plan that uses emotions to connect with consumers on a deeper level to influence their purchasing decisions. 

In today’s saturated marketing landscape, simply listing product features and benefits isn’t enough to win customers’ hearts, and here’s where this strategy comes in. 

Instead of dry facts and technical jargon, an emotionally driven marketing campaign evokes laughter, tears, or even a good dose of outrage. This way, people don’t just remember your brand; they feel it. 

Explore further and take a memorable step to move your marketing forward with advanced technology like QR codes. Evoke emotions with every campaign using the best QR code generator.

What is emotional marketing?

Emotional marketing touches on another critical aspect of the consumer’s attention span and purchase decision. It appeals to their hopes, needs, and desires, creating a connection beyond just the product or service itself. 

It typically draws on deep-seated emotions, such as joy, sadness, fear, or other human feelings, translating to emotional buying. 

An effective campaign kindles the audience’s spirits, making them laugh, cry, or scream “YES!” at their screens. 

Think about it: have you ever bought a fancy coffee maker because it made you feel fancy, not because you needed a new one? Exactly. That is the magic of considering emotions in your marketing. 

How important are emotions in business?

QR codes in marketing

Emotions hold a formidable power to move and shape individuals. They are the ultimate salesperson for your enterprise. 

They’re all about tapping into people’s feelings and motivations to create a lasting impression and give meaning and depth to the experience of a brand.

Marketers use these efforts to make people see, remember, and buy their line of products and services through messages that evoke an emotional response. 

They play a role in many aspects of business, from decision-making and communication to customer loyalty and satisfaction. Even the most logical decisions are often influenced by emotions. 

Understanding and using emotions in marketing can create more effective and impactful campaigns that resonate with your audience and help achieve business milestones.

An article by Motista stated that 71% of emotionally connected customers rate brands higher than satisfied customers. This means consumers advocate a brand based on their emotional bond. 

Zipdo also revealed that 42% of brands engaged in mobile advertising use QR codes in their operations. 

Unquestionably, the breadth of emotions combined with a versatile tool like QR codes in marketing proves advantageous for business development. 

After all, the most successful journeys are often the most emotional ones. So wear your vibrant hat, channel your passion, and watch your sales soar. 

Emotional triggers in marketing: The four basic emotions

Emotional triggers in marketing
While there exists a rich tapestry of emotions that individuals experience, these emotions mainly stem from the four core emotions. Check out some of the emotional marketing examples:


Happy marketing inspires positive emotions like warmth, joy, and excitement. This creates a feeling of fondness and encourages consumers to view the brand in a positive light. 

This powerful emotion goes beyond simply making people smile. It delves into a broader sense of pleasure, contentment, and fulfillment – creating relatable experiences that lift the spirits of the people. 

This is the same as using color psychology in marketing strategies, which profoundly communicates a brand’s goals and campaigns by understanding the nuances of colors. 

Happy customers are more likely to click on ads, visit websites, participate in campaigns, and ultimately make purchases. It also compels people to share their experiences, leading to word-of-mouth marketing and brand advocacy. 

Take Coca-Cola, the quintessential happiness brand, for example. They have built a legacy of associating its carbonated beverage with joy, companionship, and moments of celebration.

From their iconic “Open Happiness” campaign to their recent “Taste the Feeling” ads, they showcased diverse groups sharing laughter and good times. 


While it might seem counterintuitive, sadness is one of the influential emotional marketing strategies. 

It can evoke empathy and compassion, which taps into our basic human desire to help others. This can lead to people donating to charities, supporting causes, or signing a petition. 

A case in hand is St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital’s “This Shirt Saves Lives” campaign. It is a promotional effort that features real children battling cancer, highlighting the fragility of life and defeating other life-threatening diseases.  

This movement generated significant donations and awareness for St. Jude’s mission, proving that sadness can be a powerful motivator for social good. 

Remember, while these campaigns were successful, using sadness in marketing can be a delicate balancing act. The key is to use this emotion authentically and respectfully, with a clear message and call to action. 


Anger in marketing raises awareness about an issue someone is experiencing or perceiving as unfair. This sense of injustice can motivate people to act. 

Channeling anger effectively can inspire people to push for change, whether advocating for a cause or supporting a brand that aligns with their values. 

Organizations often promote social change, turning anger into a tool to underscore the problem and motivate action. Think of campaigns that fight against ecological damage, gender or racial inequality, or animal cruelty and violence. 

For reference, let us look at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). They are known for their provocative campaigns, often featuring graphic images of animal exploitation. For one, they have used images of skinned rabbits to protest the use of animal fur. 

Controversy has also risen concerning ducks and geese being force-fed to increase the size of their livers, producing a high-priced delicacy called foie gras

These campaigns are often controversial but effective in raising awareness about animal rights.


Of the various emotions humans grapple with, fear is arguably one of the most haunting. It is a powerful tool, but also one that needs to be wielded with caution and responsibility.  

Evoking fear can be a strong motivator, prompting people to take action. It can warn consumers about the dangers of not using a product or emphasize the potential adverse outcomes of inaction.

For example, popular skincare ads highlight the risks of not using sunscreen. They instill to the public that not using one might trigger fear of skin cancer and other skin diseases, leading consumers to purchase the advertised product. 

As a marketer, you must consider carefully representing fear as an emotional trigger in marketing. 

Fear should establish a foundation of trust in a brand. To do this, you must acknowledge your audience’s concerns and position your company as a reliable problem solver. 

How to create an emotional campaign that works 

Crafting an emotional campaign for marketing takes more than just tugging at heartstrings. It’s about creating meaningful connections that drive engagement and action. 

Because feelings are the new currency, you need flexible and advanced dynamic QR codes that perfectly mesh with every campaign strategy.

Here are some insightful ways to design marketing that speaks to the heart and soul.

Identify your target audience

Emotions are deeply personal. You need to understand what makes your target audience tick to evoke them, and deep diving into your target audience’s demographics, psychographics, and even their media consumption habits is vital.

Knowing what drives your audience—their aspirations, fears, and desires—allows you to craft messages that reach the right people and resonate deeply with them, later maximizing conversions.

Achieve this with a QR code for a Google Form and streamline data gathering through surveys and interviews.  With this solution, your target audience can instantly access online fill-out forms and submit their responses. 

Choose the right emotion

Think happiness, nostalgia, humor, or even a touch of fear or sadness. These emotions connect, making your business more than just a logo on a screen.

Emotions are potent memory triggers. A campaign that incites the right emotion will be more likely to stick in consumers’ minds, making it possible for them to recall a brand quickly. 

Choose an emotion that aligns with your brand’s values and personality. You can use QR code templates to elevate your brand presence and add value to any of your marketing collaterals. 

This solution allows businesses to integrate their brand color, logo, and patterns and even include the brand’s tagline in a single QR code. 

Create a compelling story

Facts and figures can inform, but stories ignite imagination and stir emotions. 

A well-crafted narrative allows brands to tap into fundamental human desires, aspirations, and vulnerabilities, making customers feel seen and understood. 

This is a reliable approach to driving engagement, building brand loyalty, and ultimately achieving marketing goals. 

Creating a compelling story naturally paves the way for the action you want them to take, whether buying a product, signing up for a service, or advocating for a cause. 

With this, consumers become more than just buyers; they become fans, advocates, and even friends. 

Use the right visuals

Visual QR codes
Visuals tell a thousand stories. A single image can convey complex emotions and narratives that would take paragraphs of text to explain. 

Of course, it is not just about using any visuals. Your graphics should match your audience’s interests, values, and emotions for effective use of emotions in marketing. And visual QR codes are the way to start your creative approaches. 

You can fuse these QR codes with unique designs consistent with the company’s personality and product essentials. This is one way to capture the interest of consumers and compel them to engage. 

This also empowers brands to express their imaginative prowess with emotional value, establishing brand recognition. 

Be authentic

Authenticity is crucial when applied in marketing campaigns. It can either build brand awareness and foster a genuine connection or risk a significant disconnection with your audience. 

In today’s hyper-connected world, any foul-up easily circulates. Inauthentic, emotionally driven marketing can quickly backfire, damaging brand image and reputation. 

To foster long-term loyalty from your consumers, you must be upfront about your goals. Don’t try to be something you’re not. 

Authenticity is not just a nice thing to have in emotional marketing; it’s the foundation for success. Make it a cornerstone of your market outreach, and watch your audience connect with your brand.

How to create a custom QR code with QR TIGER QR code generator for FREE

Here’s how to design QR codes for your emotional marketing initiatives:

  1. Go to QR TIGER and select any of our free solutions, like the URL QR code.
  2. Enter the required information. 
  3. Select Static QR and click Generate QR code

Tip: Sign up for a freemium account to get three dynamic QR codes with advanced features like data editing and scan tracking. Each free code has a 500-scan limit. 

  1. Customize the QR code. You can change its color and pattern style and add a logo to create emotionally striking QR codes that resonate with your audience.  
  2. Run a scan test to see if your QR code is working fine. 
  3. Click Download. You will then be taken to the Plans & pricing page. Keep scrolling down and enter your email to receive your free generated QR code. 

Actual scenarios of emotionally-driven marketing 

Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign

Emotional marketing
This campaign is a long-running crusade that challenges traditional beauty standards and celebrates diversity and inclusivity. 

It is an initiative that recognizes the beauty of all women, regardless of size, shape, or age. Its success has helped change how women see themselves, demonstrating that beauty does not have a one-size-fits-all standard. 

This movement has been praised for its positive impact on women’s self-esteem and body image by showing them that they are beautiful just as they are. 

Always “#LikeAGirl” campaign

This campaign challenged the harmful connotations associated with the phrase “like a girl,” reflecting the stereotypical ways that girls are often seen as being less physically able than boys. 

The ad’s powerful message sparked a global conversation about gender stereotypes and the importance of the women’s empowerment movement. And it has prompted other successful initiatives, such as the #KeepGoingGirl and #EndPeriodPoverty campaign.  

This campaign exemplifies how brands use emotional value to positively impact society. 

Apple’s “Think Different” campaign

The campaign’s core message was simple: Apple was not selling computers; they were selling a way of thinking. They were for the rebels, the misfits, and the dreamers who dared to break the status quo. 

The advertisement presented iconic figures who embodied the “Think Different” spirit, such as Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King Jr., and John Lennon. 

The campaign continues to be a reminder of the power of branding and the importance of staying true to your values. It also affirms that being different is the best way to stand out. 

The “If you tolerate racism, delete Uber” campaign

Uber’s long-term commitment to racism started amid heightened awareness of racial injustice following the death of George Floyd

As issues of racism spread across the United States, the company created billboards establishing their support of the Black Lives Matter movement, encouraging those who tolerate racism to delete their app. 

These efforts built trust and strengthened the brand’s relationship with its customers. It is also one of the many examples of emotional marketing where brands take a stance on social issues to connect with consumers. 

Design a marketing campaign that speaks to the soul with QR TIGER

Spark change, drive genuine engagements, and achieve sales targets through emotional marketing. 

Creating campaigns that tap into the emotional fabric of individuals is one strategic move you can employ. It unlocks deeper connections, builds customer trust, and creates meaningful and impactful promotional drives. 

Remember, it is not just about fancy visuals; it’s about understanding the human experience, sharing aspirations, and igniting desires to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. 

Move beyond fleeting trends and achieve a truly transformative operation with QR TIGER, the best QR code generator online. Start your QR code journey with us today.

Frequently asked questions

How do you use emotions in marketing?

You can use emotions in marketing to influence consumers’ perception of a brand or product, leading them to purchase. 

Do this by knowing your audience first and creating content that resonates with their values, aspirations, and pain points. 

Why do we use emotions in marketing?

We use emotions in marketing mainly because they influence behavior and decisions in ways logic alone often can’t. 

A memorable ad is developed in combination with strong emotions. This then forges a deeper connection with the audience, making it more likely to stick the content in their minds for brand recall. 

What are the effects of emotional marketing?

Its effects encompass increased brand recall and recognition, enhanced brand loyalty, and positively influenced consumers’ buying decisions. 

All these prove to drive successful outcomes in businesses.

Brands using QR codes

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